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Product Details
The Digi International XStick USB to XBee Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) adapter is easy to use and provides local connectivity to wireless networks. The XStick dongle plugs into the USB port of a laptop or PC for instant access to an XBee network. The compact, USB wireless adapter enables wireless communication between devices, including adapters, routers and gateways.
- Self-configuring ZigBee mesh (ZB) version
- The XStick ZB version is compatible with XBee or XBee-PRO ZB devices and utilises the ZigBee PRO Feature Set for robust mesh networks
- Provides local connectivity for access, configuration, diagnostics or device monitoring and network commissioning
- USB to XBee Wireless Personal Area Network adapter (WPAN)
- Data Transfer Rate; 250K bps
- Compact size; 58.3 x 20.3 x 10.8 mm
- Range; 20m Indoor / 50m Outdoor
- Supply Voltage; 5Vdc (USB)
- LEDs for power status and network association
- Maximum Output Power+4.5dBm
- Receiver Sensitivity-90dBm
- Supported Bus InterfacesUSB
- Supported Network InterfacesWPAN
- Supply Voltage5V dc
- Dimensions58.3 x 20.3 x 10.8mm
- Height10.8mm
- Length58.3mm
- Maximum Operating Temperature+85°C
- Minimum Operating Temperature-40°C
- Width20.3mm