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Raspberry pi LCD module - TFT 5inch Resistive Touch Screen LCD shield module HDMI interface for Raspberry Pi A+, B+, 2B, YX AG004
Product features (compatible with 3 B, B+, B, and A+ 2)
- 800 x 480 hd resolution, support touch control
- Compatible with any versions and can be directly inserted into the tree blackberry pie (raspberries pie 1 generation of type B to the other with HDMI cable)
- Compatible with raspberry pie 1-3 generation Raspbian, Pidora etc system
- General HDMI display, not limited to raspbbery pie (a resolution requirements)
- Used to display only, do not take up any I/O resources (use a touch function, take up the I/O)
- Support the backlight control, saves the electricity
Shipping list:
- 1 x LCD module Pi TFT 5 inch Resistive Touch Screen