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Za željeni artikel nam pošljite sporočilo/povpraševanje in vas bomo kontaktirali.
In the pursuit for small form factor, flexibility and functionality comes Seeeduino Mega – derived from Arduino Mega it harnesses the power of ATmega2560 to spice up your project building experience.
- ATmega 2560 @ 16MHz
- Selectable 5V/3.3V operation
- 70 Digital IO
- 16 Analog inputs
- 14 PWM outputs
- 4 Hardware serial ports (UART)
- Compatible with most Arduino Duemilanove and Diecimila Shields
- Small form factor, 30% smaller than Arduino Mega
- Easy to program, no additional hardware is required to load firmware – just plug to a USB port and you’re good to go.
- ICSP Header
- Can be powered through a battery or through a AC to DC adaptor