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Za željeni artikel nam pošljite sporočilo/povpraševanje in vas bomo kontaktirali.
Bare Conductive’s Electric Paint is just like any other water-based paint, except that it conducts electricity! This means that you can paint wires or sensors directly onto almost any material around you, including paper, wood, plastic and glass.
The Electric Paint 10ml Tube is perfect for small scale projects where detail is important, or for painting, soldering or repairing small breaks. You will find it in some of our kits where creating a nice small circuit is necessary.
Nontoxic, solvent free and water soluble, Electric Paint 10ml Tubes are great for prototyping, and safe for makers of all ages. Once applied the paint dries quickly at room temperature, and can be removed with soap and water.
Want to make it more intelligent? Try Electric Paint alongside microcontrollers like the Touch Board, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, MaKey MaKey, or LilyPad.
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10 Things you can do with Electric Paint - DESIGN SPARK