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Za željeni artikel nam pošljite sporočilo/povpraševanje in vas bomo kontaktirali.
The SparkFun Photon Battery Shield provides you with an easy way to power your Photon module with a Lithium polymer battery. Not only can the Battery Shield power you Photon but you will also be able to charge a LiPo bettery through it as well. The board comes with a JST connector for your single cell LiPo battery and utilizes the Photons on-board micro-USB connector for the charge input.
This battery shield uses a MCP73831 for LiPo charging and a MAX1704X for fuel gauging. This is a very simple shield for your Photon to provide it basic and on-the-go power wherever and whenever you might need it! The SparkFun Photon Battery Shield comes with the headers already soldered on, so you can plug and play!
The Particle Photon is a tiny WiFi development kit for creating connected projects and products. Sporting a 120Mhz ARM Cortex M3 and built-in WiFi, the Photon is not only powerful, but easy to use. The small form factor is ideal for IoT projects with cloud-connectivity.
Note: Not only can this shield operate with the Photon, it can also be used with the Particle Core!
- Headers and Connectors Pre-Soldered
- Compatible with the Photon and the Core
- Schematic
- Eagle Files
- Hookup Guide
- Photon Development Guide
- Datasheets
- GitHub