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Za željeni artikel nam pošljite sporočilo/povpraševanje in vas bomo kontaktirali.
Punch in your secret key into this numeric membrane keypad. This keypad has 4 buttons, and since every key has its own wire line, no matrix code is required - just treat these like every day switches. The membrane is soft and has a removable paper backing to expose a strong adhesive so you can stick this on an enclosure and feed the cable through a slot. Its a simple keypad but that's why we like it.
Adafruit include a 5-pin extra-long header strip so you can plug this into a breadboard with ease.
Membrane 1x4 Keypad + Extras (12:25)
- Weight: 2.83g
- Keypad dimensions: 69.14mm x 20.07mm
- Length of cable + connector: 87.31mm x 14.28mm
- 5-pin 0.1" pitch connector